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Carer Jobs in KwaZulu Natal
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Seeking A Carer For Elderly Couple - Amanzimtoti - Urgent
- Amanzimtoti | Apr 8, 2021
- Amanzimtoti, KwaZulu-Natal - Elderly Couple is seeking a Carer to care for a Male and Female - aged 85 and 91. This is a lovely opportunity for a Carer who would like
Looking For Live In Carer/helper For Pietermaritzburg Family With 5 Yr Old Special Needs Child
- Pietermaritzburg | Mar 23, 2021
- Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal - I'm looking for a foreigner mature lady over 40 to live with my family and help care for my 5 yr old special Needs child and help with h...
- Kloof | Dec 18, 2020 Talent@TrainWrite
- Talent@TrainWrite - Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal - A carer and housekeeper required for an elderly lady who has had a mild stroke. The elderly lady (the client) is mobile
Durban, Kzn Job. Looking For Domestic Helper And Carer For 7 Year Old Disabled Child
- Kloof | Dec 5, 2020
- Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal - ThIs job Is in KZN. Only hiring SA cituzens. Looking for reliable, trustworthy domestic helper and carer. Live-in position. Must speak and be able